Our Coronavirus Response
As our valued business partner, your health and security is our top priority.
TR ELECTRONIC is closely monitoring the spread of the novel coronavirus COVID-19 disease and in response to the World Health Organization (WHO) pandemic declaration, we want to assure you that we’re taking definitive and proactive steps to protect the safety of all employees, family members, suppliers and customers so that we may continue to serve you well.
What we’re doing to mitigate risk
While there is currently no incidence of COVID-19 cases among TR ELECTRONIC employees and the likelihood of contracting the virus remains low, it is difficult to predict the spread of infection. In order to reduce the risk of exposure and avoid potential business interruption we are:
- minimizing direct social interactions,
- restricting external visitors,
- limiting domestic business travel subject to strict approval and governance,
- discontinuing all international travel until further notice,
- eliminating employee gatherings, in-person and large business meetings,
- encouraging teleconferencing and remote work options, and
- increasing the prevalence and effectiveness of stringent sanitation measures across the company.
- implementing mandatory self-isolation if travelled internationally
How you can prepare
If you anticipate any potential business changes as a result of the coronavirus situation, please let us know. If you have product or solution needs you haven’t previously shared, consider discussing them with us now so that we may allocate or adjust our resources to better serve you.
We’re here for you
You can count on TR ELECTRONIC to continue to operate with the care and attention you deserve. If we encounter any impact or obstacle that could affect the level of service we provide, we will be sure to inform you promptly.
As your trusted partner, we’re committed to your safety, success and well being. Let’s stay in close contact as the COVID-19 situation evolves. We wish you well and thank you kindly for your support.
Want to chat?
If you have any questions or would like more information, please contact your TR ELECTRONIC representative or email customercare [at] trelectronic.com (customercare[at]trelectronic[dot]com).