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C_V115 provides - users more freedom when using modern encoders. If an interface is defined for a system, our wide range of mechanical solutions makes it possible to use the selected interface and encoder technology in almost any environmental condition that the system may be exposed to.

C_V115 is thus ideally suited for applications in heavy industry, open pit mining and ship-to-shore logistics solutions.

  • Mounting by use of the 115 mm flange or the mounting foot
  • All interfaces of C__582-Series:
    PROFIBUS, PROFINET, CANopen, EtherCAT, EtherCAT P, EtherNet/IP, Ethernet POWERLINK, DRIVE-CLiQ, Interbus-S, IO-Link, RS485, SSi, ASI RS485
  • Shafts 12, 14 and 20 mm, keyway and/or tip thread as option
  • Heating for applications in temperature ranges down to –40°C

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